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Business Checking Account

Business Checking Account

A Heartland Business Checking account is designed to help you meet the financial needs of your business, while helping you effectively manage your cash flow. We offer two Business Checking Accounts.

Free Business Checking

This business checking account is perfect for start-ups, home-based businesses and small businesses with 200 or fewer transactions per month that maintain a lower balance.


Business Checking

This business checking account is a great fit for a larger business with a daily balance of $5,000 or more and higher transaction volume.

Earn Interest

There’s a lot of really neat people at Heartland. That’s what makes it so easy to do business here.


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FeaturesFree Business CheckingBusiness Checking
For you if:You have a home-based or small business with 200 or fewer transactions per monthYou have a larger business with a daily balance of $5,000 or more and higher transaction volume
Minimum opening deposit$30$30
Minimum balance$0$5,000 average daily balance of all business account deposits
Monthly service fee$0$10 or WAIVED if average daily balance of all business accounts is $5,000
Earns DividendsNoYes
Checking Clearing Fee/Deposit Item Fee$0 for 0-200 items. $0.50 per item for 201 or more$0 for 0-200 items. $0 for 201 or more if $5,000 min. balance is met. $0.05 for 201 or more if $5,000 balance is not met
Unlimited electronic debits and creditsYesYes
Free non-Heartland ATM Withdrawals per month510
Free Statements (Paper or eStatements)YesYes
Free Online BankingYesYes
Free Overdraft Protection from Savings AccountYesYes
MasterCard Debit CardYesYes